HS Cheerleading — 2024-’25 Pricing Guide
Let’s make sure we capture you doing what you love in the most authentic way! Whether you're a senior or a freshman, being able to document these milestones throughout your high school career is important. In 10 years, you will love being able to pull out these photos and think back on what these game days were like. Cheering on the team, all of the practicing and chats in between the games, and ultimately the Friday Night Lights in general are where the memories lie.
Bronze Package - $1,000
one home football game (including JV & Varsity game)
one home basketball game
(including JV & Varsity game)online gallery per game day with 75+ photos each
no watermark, permission to print
delivered within 2 weeks of game days
Silver Package - $2,000
two home football games (including JV & Varsity game)
two home basketball games
(including JV & Varsity game)online gallery per game day with 75+ photos each
no watermark, permission to print
delivered within 2 weeks of game days
Gold Package - $2,300
two home football games (including JV & Varsity game)
two home basketball games
(including JV & Varsity game)one competition within 40 mile radius
online gallery per game day with 75+ photos each
no watermark, permission to print
delivered within 2 weeks of game days/competition
** Competition fees are subject to change based on coverage needed and additional details given.
Ala Carte Options
Would you like to add on additional home games? Adding both a JV & Varsity game on the same date would cost $500. If you would only like to add either one home JV or one Varsity game for coverage the cost is $300.
Athletes are able to book an individual mini session showcasing their specific sport for a special rate of $100. This session includes action and standstill shots with its own gallery and 30+ photos.